Plenary speakers
Abstract submission deadline extended to the 7th October, 2018
Speakers who have already confirmed their participation:
Community and identity in academic writing
Identity and community are central organizing principles of our social worlds, yet remain controversial and elusive concepts. With the emergence of community-oriented views of literacy in recent years, greater attention has been given to the specific contexts of language use, so we have learnt that texts are successful only when they employ conventions that other members of the community find familiar and convincing. Because of this, language choices help construct both arguments and disciplines. Moreover, because we choose our words to connect with others and present ideas in ways that make most sense to them, such repeated uses of language encourages the performance of certain kinds of professional identities. Communities thus constrain identity choices but they also indicate the ways we relate independent beliefs to shared experience. In this way, the production of specific texts is always the production of community and of self.
Ken Hyland is Professor of Applied Linguistics in Education at the University of East Anglia. He is well known for his work on academic writing and EAP, having published 240 articles and 27 books on these topics with over 38,000 citations on Google Scholar. He was founding co-editor of the Journal of English for Academic Purposes, co-editor of Applied Linguistics and now edits two book series with Routledge and Bloomsbury. He is an honorary professor at The Universities of Hong Kong, Warwick and Jilin, China and a Foundation Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of the Humanities. A collection of his work was recently published as The Essential Hyland, Bloomsbury, 2018.
• Prof. Robin Anderson, University of Milan, Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Globalisation and increased mobilization are just two factors which have made English the global language it is today. What are the implications of this unassailable position of the English language in social, professional and academic contexts in the world today? Drawing on the opinions and experiences of the participants it is hoped to investigate the effects of this phenomenon. Why do some countries reach a higher proficiency than others? Are the reasons to be found in global, national or individual differences? Previous studies of English language achievement have focused on cultural and affective factors as predictors to success or failure in second language learning. Is this dichotomy sufficient to explain the place of English in the world today? Have the consequences of globalization called for a rethinking of our conception of why and how people learn? Focusing on Poland and Italy, the talk will point at connections between cultural, societal and individual factors and English language proficiency. Is the question ‘Why aren’t you learning English?’, rather than ‘Why are you learning in English?’
Robin Anderson has worked in the field of English as a Second Language for over 30 years and has taught and trained teachers in the UK, Portugal, Italy and China where he was Senior English Language Specialist for the British Government’s Overseas Development Administration programme. He is the author of four books on the study of English for Economics and Business and he has published articles in academic journals on a number of applied linguistic themes including; English for Special Purposes, Motivational theories and Discourse Analysis. He works as a researcher in the language department of the Faculty of Economics in the ‘Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca’, Italy.
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Whose God is Yahwe? – A case of translational imbroglio
The three monotheistic religions, namely, Judasim, Christianity and Islam, nothwithstanding various important doctrinal differences between them, as well as between their numerous variants, have one thing in common. They confess faith in the existence of GOD, one Supreme Entity, the Ultimate Source and Creator of everything that exists in all possible cognitive domains. In the three monotheistic religions God reveals Himself through His messengers and prophets, of whom the most outstanding ones are Moses, Jesus, and Mahomet. All three religions are rooted in “Holy Scriptures” and in the respective traditions. The present paper is concerned with one of numerous translational problems inherent in Hebrew and Christian holy texts usually referred to as The Bible, which is a compilation of various texts written in different times in various historical and cultural contexts by different authors firmly believed to be inspired by GOD, the central concept in all versions of The Bible.
Tomasz P. Krzeszowski . Professor Emeritus at Warsaw University; Professor Ordinarius at University of Social Sciences in Łódź/Warsaw. Areas of academic research: contrastive linguistics, cognitive linguistics, translation studies, axiological aspects of language, metaphor. Major books: Early contrastive studies in England, Gramatyka angielska dla Polaków, Contrasting languages: the scope of contrastive linguistics, Angels and devils in hell: elements of axiology in semantics; Time works wonders, The translation equivalence delusion.